Our proprietary portfolio analytics and reporting solution is tailored specifically for the private markets and provides real-time access so clients can analyze performance, exposure, and benchmark across portfolios, funds, and underlying investments.

investor commitments
As of 12/31/2024
$1.1 Trillion
investor commitments
As of 12/31/2024

Key Features

Flexible and customizable

Create custom portfolio structures with multiple layers, run performance analytics at the aggregate or individual portfolio levels, and use custom attributes and classification types based on your portfolio requirements.

Fast, intuitive, and fully integrated

Fast and intuitive user interface with out-of-the-box advanced analytical capabilities; no software installation required. SPI Reporting is fully integrated with SPI Pacing (our portfolio forecasting/planning tool) and SPI Research (our research database).

Interactive dashboards and advanced analytics

Access advanced analytics tailored for private market professionals, including J-curves and cash flow analysis, PMEs, benchmarking, point-to-point net IRRs and TWR analysis, asset-level performance and exposures, and more. Apply client-specific filters to instantly recalculate performance for any subset of investments and export all data to Excel.

Request a demo

To learn more about SPI Reporting, contact us today